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Aunque no es nuestro deseo tener que borrar TODOS los anuncios simultaneamente de algún miembro que no quiere respetar nuestra política de los contenidos relevantes, lamentablemente a veces es necesario hacerlo y hasta acabar con su membresía gratuita también. Si usted piensa que tiene un anuncio en un foro que no es muy relevante a los contenidos de su anuncio, le suplicamos borrarlo por si mismo, por favor, para evitar complicaciones potenciales. ¿Sí?
¿Quiere reportarnos cualquier anuncio aquí que debe de ser borrado o reubicado por nosotros?   Quejas siempre son bienvenidas. Mientras, para dudas técnicas, le ofrecemos este forostutorial.

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How exactly does learning happen at the biological level? *Para INGRESAR o REGISTRARSE gratuitamente, oprima AQUI por favor...
When conducting a lesson, it is important to involve as many of the students' senses as possible: hearing, seeing, touching, and smelling. The multi-channel flow of information ensures better brain activity, more lasting memorization. It is also necessary to take into account that pupils have their individual dominant channels of perception: more often information is absorbed through the visual organ (visual channel), less often children's perception is dominated by hearing (auditory channel), some have a dominant kinesthetic channel of perception (through touch, manipulation with objects).

That is why new terms should not only be pronounced clearly, but also sent to https://edusharky.com/buy-assignment or written in a notebook. - Closely related to the previous point is the problem of correlation of figurative and logical presentation and processing of educational material. At the physiological level, this issue correlates with the dominance of the left or right hemisphere of the brain. Unlike other features of lesson organization, these findings are not widely discussed in the pedagogical literature, so let us consider them in more detail.

In experiments on dissection of the basic connections between hemispheres (in order to prevent development of epileptic seizures) he found that the left hemisphere fully retains the ability to manipulate formalized signs, numbers, but does not distinguish intonation and voice modulation, is not sensitive to music (only rhythm is perceived), poorly recognizes complex images.

The right hand (controlled by the left hemisphere) loses the ability to draw, to build figures from cubes, to find objects by touch. Speech-talking, on the other hand, is impossible without the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is also associated with the unconscious human psyche. The difference between hemispheres is not reduced to the material they manipulate, it should be only about the method of manipulation.

The right hemisphere "grasps" the material holistically, while the left is capable of stepwise, step-by-step cognition (analytical activity). Left hemispheric strategy organizes material in such a way that there is an unambiguous context, understood by everybody equally, whereas right hemispheric strategy organizes multivalued context, which cannot be explained exhaustively in the traditional system of communication.

In general, the brain functions as a unified whole, uniting both ways of organizing context as complementary components of thinking, but with one of them dominating.

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Education is valued and developed every day. Each lesson engages students. Help cuphead explore space
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