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FIFA offered to host the World Cup every two years *Para INGRESAR o REGISTRARSE gratuitamente, oprima AQUI por favor...
So far, this event should be taken only as an invitation to a discussion on a very controversial issue for world football. The 211 members of the organization will have to decide at the FIFA Congress whether or not to raise this topic at all. If the proposal of Saudi Arabia is supported, then FIFA will have the opportunity to study the problem in more detail and determine whether it is advisable to hold the World Cup more often than it has taken place throughout its history. pin up kz If a positive opinion is given, then only then will FIFA be able to finally decide whether to change the existing regulations or not. Since its inception, the FIFA World Cup has been played every four years in even non-leap years. This formula was chosen so that the competition did not overlap with the Summer Olympics, which at the beginning of the 20th century could only be played by amateurs, while FIFA wanted to grant the right to participate in the world championships to all interested footballers.
***Ciudad / Estado (País): uzbekistanReply With QuoteReporta Este Mensaje
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